Blog 1 Brief History of CBD


To understand the history of CBD we have to go back to the beginning, some say as far as 15,000 years ago when first discovered by man.
Archaeological digs show hemp was certainly present as far back as 5,500BC for various uses. Evidence gathered from ancient sites reveal the plant was important in many societies especially Egypt, China and India.
Ancient China believed cannabis tea was a cure for gout, rheumatism and malaria, while the ancient Egyptians believed it had an effect as an anti-inflammatory.
Cannabis eventually made its way to the West through trade in the middle ages which lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. In western medieval cultures cannabis is documented as treatment for tumours, coughs and jaundice.
The Netherlands was an economic superpower in the 17th century as a result of shipping, and without hemp, there would not have been a Dutch Golden Age!
Hemp was used for their ship’s sails, rigging and other ropes. Hemp was also treated with tar and used to fill the seams between the planks of a wooden hull in order to make ships watertight. This process is called caulking. Sailors’ clothes were often made of hemp and Captains kept their ship’s log on hemp paper. Lamps used hemp oil, allowing the crew to read the Bible (you guessed it, was printed on hemp paper). In order to make sure there was food on board, tons of hemp seed was an essential part of the cargo; this also enabled the crew to survive in the event of a shipwreck. The Dutch are still an advocator of the benefits.
Brief History of CBD Blog 2, 3 & 4 to follow: