Blog 3 History Cont’d


Cannabis made its way to England as a treatment for rheumatism and convulsions. And the oil soon became popular as a go-to cure for various ailments such as migraines, nausea, sleep, coughs, fevers, and many others. It remained available to the Western world into the 1940’s.
Where did it go wrong?
The late 1800s saw a massive cash grab in pharmaceuticals and many companies making outrageous claims of their ‘Cure-all formulas’. In 1906 the FDA was formed to regulate anything sold for consumption in the USA. Which had a detrimental effect on the production and consumption of cannabis oil, seeing an end to the plant’s longstanding popularity. The Western world entered the prohibition era, a movement that quickly spread throughout the World and drastically changed the perception of this once crucial crop. The final nail in the coffin was in 1937 when non-medicinal cannabis use became illegal in most of the Western world and a criminal activity.

Medicinal cannabis became more controlled and no longer commercially viable with the introduction of the 1937 marijuana tax act.
W new synthetic materials in the form of plastics, varnishes, and rubber replacing the need for hemp based materials across industries. Pharmaceutical companies once proud to provide cannabis oil, distancing themselves from their history. Recreational use throughout the late 20th century lead to much hysteria about cannabis being a dangerous drug, and it is still legally classified as such in most societies across the World. At last we’re seeing this being reversed and if done with good regulation (as in Canada) it will be back to help those that need it.

Brief History of CBD final Blog 4 to follow.